5 Signs of Pet Heat Exhaustion

Summer is in full swing! As you know, it’s important to keep an eye on Rover and Bella and make sure they are staying cool and hydrated. As temperatures rise, our pets are at risk of heat exhaustion, which can be dangerous or even fatal. In this article, we’ll go over the top five signs of pet heat exhaustion to look out for.

1. Excessive panting or difficulty breathing

One of the first signs of heat exhaustion in pets is excessive panting or difficulty breathing. If your pet is panting heavily or even gasping for air, it’s a clear indication that they are struggling to regulate their body temperature. This can be especially dangerous for pets with short snouts, such as pugs or bulldogs. If you notice your pet is having trouble breathing, it’s important to move them to a cooler area and give them water immediately and then visit the vet.

2. Dehydration

Dehydration is another common symptom of heat exhaustion in pets. If your pet is not drinking enough water, they are at risk of becoming dehydrated, which can lead to a host of other health problems. Signs of dehydration in pets include sunken eyes, dry mouth, lethargy, and loss of appetite. To prevent dehydration, make sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh water at all times, and encourage them to drink frequently.

When out and about with your pet, try keeping a bottle of water and a collapsible water bowl on hand. This is a convenient way help your pet keep hydrated while traveling during the hot summer months.

You can test whether your pet is dehydrated by performing a skin test. Start by relaxing your pet, then gently pinch a bit of skin at the back of their neck, right between their shoulder blades. Release the skin and take notice of whether the skin quickly snaps back into place or not. If you notice that the skin returns to its original place a bit slowly, your pet is possibly dehydrated. Immediately provide your pet with fresh water and consider taking them to the vet if the issue doesn’t resolve soon.

3. Excessive drooling

Excessive drooling is another sign that your pet may be suffering from heat exhaustion. When pets become overheated, they may start to drool excessively as their body tries to cool down.

When a dog’s body temperature rises above its normal range due to external factors such as high temperatures or strenuous physical activities, it may struggle to regulate its internal temperature effectively. This can lead to an overproduction of saliva, which is the body’s natural response to try and cool down. If you notice your pet is drooling more than usual, it’s important to keep a close eye on them and make sure they are not showing any other signs of heat exhaustion.

4. Fever

A fever is a clear indication that something is not right with your pet. If your pet’s body temperature is elevated, it’s a sign that they are trying to fight off an infection or illness. In the case of heat exhaustion, a fever may also indicate that your pet’s body is struggling to regulate its temperature.

Checking your dog’s temperature is an important skill for pet owners to have! If your pet has a fever, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately.

5. Bright red, gray, purple, or bluish gums

Finally, one of the most serious signs of heat exhaustion in pets is a change in the color of their gums. If your pet’s gums are bright red, gray, purple, or bluish, it’s a sign that they are not getting enough oxygen and may be in distress. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate veterinary care.

In conclusion, it’s important to keep a close eye on our pets during the hot summer months and watch for any signs of heat exhaustion. By watching for these 5 signs, you can help keep your furry friends safe and healthy all summer long. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and safely enjoy the sunshine with your four-legged friends!

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